Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Betoji, Lawali, Larai, Tahan'ci, and Naito on top of a van. We rode around like that when we went to Park W, a wildlife reserve. We saw some antelope, guinea fowl and elephant footprints. Highlight of the trip was actually an elaborate game of mafia at the tent site and a scorpion sighting.

We got really, really grimy just from the absurd amount of dust on the road.

These are some camel-sellers at the Sunday market outside Niamey.

This is a typical view of the landscape outside the city. There are stretches of empty sand with scattered housing compounds. This is a little village.

These are from our vacation in Burkina Faso. One of the most striking things about Burkina is how much green there was. They get rains twice a year instead of once, and it shows. We went to an African film festival in Ouagadougou (pronounced Wagadewgew). Some of the films were fantastic. The good ones we saw were "Teza" from Ethiopia, "Jerusalema" from South Africa, "Mascarades" from Algeria, and "L'Absense" from Guinea. They dealt with some pretty heavy issues. It was interesting to see many different parts of Africa on screen.

We explored a huge series of small waterfalls in Western Burkina. It was so, so much fun!

Larai and I outside one of our hotels in Burkina.

Playing Settlers of Catan after my mom sent it!
That's all for now. I don't really have any pictures of times when we're not on vacation. I'll try to get on that.